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March 2, 2023

What to Tell Employees Now About Their COVID-19 Risks

Our new toolkit provides everything you need to help employees understand their risk of severe illness and how to access treatment.

How you communicate about COVID-19 now that the emergency response phase of the pandemic is ending will influence your employees’ decisions about their health. 

You can empower your employees to take control of their health by providing clear and actionable guidance that will help them assess their risk for getting very sick from COVID-19 and learn how to access treatment if they do test positive.

  • Why it matters: About 3 in 5 U.S. adults are at high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 due to their age or underlying health conditions. For them, prescription treatment is available in the form of a pill they can take at home. Treatment has been shown to be effective at keeping minor or mild COVID-19 from progressing to a severe illness, but it must be started in the first 5 days of symptoms. 

Our new Act Fast Against COVID-19 Toolkit provides the key messages, communication tips and more to help your employees understand their risk and make a plan for treatment.

  • Targeted communication: To ensure sick employees don’t lose valuable time, the toolkit also offers a sample automated message you can send to any employee who calls in sick, which walks them through common high-risk factors and when to ask a doctor about available treatment.
  • Afraid of overstepping? Don’t be. The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer shows people are looking to employers for reliable information: Those who say business should deliver more trustworthy information outnumber by 5 to 1 those who say business is already overstepping.

Sharing information your employees need to understand the risks they still face from COVID-19 and the treatment options available to them is a valuable way to protect employee health and limit long health-related absences.

Download the toolkit

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